30-1 SEPT/
OCT 2025

LPG on the go - fit for today and for the future

The popularity of street food has helped fuel rapid growth in the outdoor catering sector.According to Nationwide Caterers’ Association (NCASS), there are currently just under10,000 outdoor catering operators in the UK, running 13,000 outlets, consuming up to700,000 cylinders of LPG a year, with rapid growth in street catering attributed to seasonalmarkets, farmers’ markets and festivals.

LPG, or liquefied petroleum gas, is the perfect choice of fuel for outside caterers, giving thebenefits of gas wherever it is needed. The controllable gas flame ensures that food iscooked to perfection and that the chef is always in control. Plus its portability means it canbe used anywhere from a festival field, city centre to a beer garden. And the great news is,cylinders are easily available from stockists, DIY stores and garage forecourts, right acrossthe country.

As a clean and green fuel, LPG today has emissions that are significantly less than a dieselgenerator, and noise levels are negligible too, making it not only good news for theenvironment but for workers too.

With a strategy for the industry to be 100% renewable by 2040 with a “drop in” solution forRenewable liquid Gases (RLGs), including bioLPG and renewable dimethyl ether (rDME), aresuitable alternatives to decarbonise the cylinder industry using the existing stock ofcylinders.

As the £1.3bn sector looks forward to its peak summer season with festivals and outdoorevents catering to all tastes.

Tom’s Kitchen

Street food vendor, Tom’s Kitchen, swapped its petrol generator for an LPG Greengearmodel, which is compatible to switch to RLG and is now saving the business 60% on fuelcosts. It has also made the food truck run cleaner and greener and operate more efficientlyand quietly.

“A consistent and reliable power source is essential for my business,” says owner, MetinSonmez. “With my previous generator, the petrol would run out and then my fridge freezerwould stop working. This not only negatively impacted my business, but my customers too.After just one year, it broke down completely and I needed a replacement."

"I opted for an LPG model because it made better business sense. Within a matter of weeks,I was making fuel cost savings of around 60%, which has made a major difference to mybottom line – my annual running costs have now dropped from £9,779 to £3,933."

“The cost of the generator paid for itself within five weeks and it keeps going for days onend, so I never have to worry about running out of power when I need it most. Mycustomers are happier too!”

Read the full case story here!

Visit Liquid Gas UK at stand K96 on 10-11 th October 2023. Alternatively, speak to your LPG supplier or visit liquidgasuk.org to learn more about RLGs.

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