30-1 SEPT/
OCT 2025

Next Level Barista Experience - WMF presents new “WMFespresso NEXT” generation of portafilters

The WMF espresso NEXT semi-automatic portafilter takes the process-reliable barista culture of WMF Professional Coffee Machines to the nextlevel. New features for automated processes in coffee preparation andsimpler operation of the machines offer the clear bonus of consistentlyexcellent coffee quality. At the same time, the aesthetic and dynamicmachine design underscores the genuine barista feel. “The WMF espressoNEXT combines the best of two worlds: all the benefits and emotionality ofa traditional portafilter with the undeniable advantages of a modern, fullyautomatic coffee machine,“ says Axel Fähnle, Head of Marketing,Professional Coffee Machines, WMF GmbH.Barista coffee qualityThe portafilter concept of WMF Professional Coffee Machines has always been aguarantee of high coffee quality with maximum process reliability: while themachine itself underscores the traditional flair of Italian coffee culture, its innerworkings guarantee that all time-consuming and error-prone tasks – such asgrinding and tamping the beans or foaming the milk – are performedautomatically. The new WMF espresso NEXT enhances these advantages with awide range of automation functions and convinces with exceptional design.Even more qualityWith the new “Auto Milk Dispensing“ option, the WMF espresso NEXT offerseven more milk expertise than before. At the touch of a button, the system drawsjust the right quantity of milk and foams it to the desired consistency.The result? Finest specialities with no superfluous milk residues, and servicepersonnel have time to take care of other customer wishes.The ”americano“ function is also new. It allows preparation of the popularbeverage at the touch of a button and accelerates workflows.Even better designThe trendy design of the WMF espresso NEXT unites traditional barista flair withlightweight surfaces and shapes. The unusual position of the machine feet lendsthe portafilter a floating effect, while the brewing groups set special designaccents with their eye-catching style. Subtle lighting elements on the rear side ofthe machine create a sophisticated ambience. Functional aspects also play a keyrole in the design concept of the WMF espresso NEXT: stainless steel elementsin the working area mean easy, hygienic cleaning, while the lighting behind thebrewing groups ensure a clear view of the working area.Even better performanceThe new WMF Auto Steam concept provides an additional performance boost.This advanced procedure allows simultaneous use of the two configurable,

Press release

automatic steam lances in the two sides of the machine. In this way, servicepersonnel can process two pots with different milk types or milk alternatives at thesame time – doubling machine output. A further barista feature: each WMF AutoSteam steam lance can access up to six stored foam profiles. Each milk foamand plant-based offering can thus be foamed and prepared in the perfect way.Further highlights for users are the design and function of the portafilter elements.Thanks to their new, lean handle shape, they can be inserted even more easily atthe beginning of the brewing process. When the desired beverage has beenselected, the machine locks the portafilter closure until the finished product is inthe cup. In addition, a complementary communication LED strip on the edge ofthe machine display indicates that the machine is in production mode.Even more barista feelOperating the new WMF espresso NEXT couldn’t be more convenient. Eachbrewing group now has a separate display clearly arranged areas for coffee andmilk preparation. And last but not least, the new portafilter has been equippedwith the digital solution platform “WMF CoffeeConnect“, allowing the read-out andanalysis of machine data as well as integration into upstream and downstreamsystems.Image requestsYou can find images on our media portal https://press-n-relations.amid-pr.com (searchterm “WMF-espresso-NEXT“).Further information:WMF GmbHMirjam SauterGlobal Communication & Content ManagerGBU Professional Coffee MachinesWMF Platz 1 – D-73312 GeislingenTel.: +49 73 31 25 7314presse.pcm@wmf.com – https://www.wmf.com

Press and public relations:WMF Pressebüroc/o Press’n’Relations GmbHMonika NyendickMagirusstraße 33 – 89077 Ulm, GermanyTel.: +49 731 96287-30wmf@press-n-relations.dehttps://www.press-n-relations.de

About WMFWMF, which is short for Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik, is a leading premiumsupplier of household products, professional coffee machines and hotel equipment. WMFstands for innovation based on tradition and impresses with development and design“Made in Germany“. Under the brand names WMF, Silit and Kaiser, the company offersproducts for preparation, cooking, food, beverages and baking for home use, whilebusiness customers, in particular from the restaurant and hotel industry, can choose fromproduct lines for the preparation of coffee, the perfectly laid table and buffets under thebrand names WMF, Schaerer, Curtis and Hepp. WMF products are available in more than120 countries, and the company has over 6000 employees. In Germany, Austria andSwitzerland, but also in the rest of Europe and worldwide, for example in China, WMFoperates a total of around 350 own stores. The company was founded in Geislingen ander Steige in 1853 and became part of the French SEK Group at the end of 2016.For more information, see www.wmf.com

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